To My Planning Committee of “The International Day of the Girl Child” – 2023 edition

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My Dear Planning Committee Members,

As the curtains close on our unforgettable Girl Child Event, I wanted to take a moment to express my profound gratitude to each and every one of you! Your dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment have made this event an astounding success.

What you have accomplished is not merely the execution of an event; it’s the empowerment of young girls, a celebration of their potential, and a declaration that we stand united for their well-being and dreams.

Your efforts have been nothing short of exceptional. From brainstorming ideas to meticulous planning, from the countless meetings to the countless cups of coffee, you’ve poured your heart and soul into making this event a reality. Your enthusiasm was infectious, and your dedication inspiring.

Your relentless pursuit of excellence, your creative solutions to challenges, and your collective spirit of teamwork have made this event not just an event, but a momentous occasion that will leave an indelible mark on the lives of the young girls we seek to empower.

The smiles on the faces of those girls and the sense of accomplishment in our hearts are the true testament to your hard work. You’ve shown that together, we can achieve incredible things.

So, on behalf of the entire organization, and especially the girls whose lives have been touched by your efforts, I want to say a heartfelt thank you. You’ve not only put together an extraordinary event; you’ve sown the seeds of inspiration, self-worth, and hope.

This event was a triumph because of your dedication. You are the reason it was such a resounding success. Your energy, creativity, and enthusiasm have truly moved mountains.

Let’s carry this momentum forward, continuing to empower and uplift young girls. The impact of this event is far-reaching, and it’s just the beginning.

Thank you, once again, for your remarkable contributions and for being champions of the Girl Child. You are all true heroes.



With immense gratitude and warm regards,

Bara’atu Nasidi, CEO of Jaruma Magazine

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